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There is a gnawing vacuum for a Child’s spiritual development and holistic moral growth worldwide. Unfortunately this has affected children's proper relationship with the Almighty God and also our savior Jesus Christ. This need is not an isolated case. It cuts across continents, races and cultures. The present World depletion of moral values, current economic trends and cultural confusion in the ethics of the marriage institution has all taken their toll. Even in once Christian nations normal rudiments of the acknowledgement of God in the Classroom is off by atheism under the guise of “rights”. 


What we have now is chaotic heritage for our innocent children; robbing them of what helped most of us to be what we are today. The International Children’s Bible Society will be giving them the Word of God and sustaining the efforts with Programs and related Literature. ICBS will take a hands on approach in assisting children in their spiritual  growth; and help them develop all their potential as responsible citizens upon whom the future of the World will thrive.


Daunting as it may look, it is attainable if all Stakeholders; (All lovers of Children, Parents, Teachers, Christian Churches, Christian Schools, Not-For-Profit Organizations, Children/Youth Organizations and Governments) assist. With God all things are possible, (Luke 1:37). The spate of crimes on the News in our Communities, Schools, Train-Terminals, in the broad-daylight are indicators of the perverse society we live in,

are all indicators of the dire need we have to address. 


 We owe our children a duty we must not fail. May the Good Lord Himself help us. The Child cannot wait to develop and we must help build them up; they are the Future we do not know.


Wednesday, March 20th 2013 will forever be remembered as the day God commanded His thoughts and intends on the Children and Youth of the World; He spoke audibly these words to me after my quiet time around 4.00am:   “INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BIBLE SOCIETY”.

Then I said: “Lord, what about that? He did not answer. I searched the internet and found that there is already such an organization in California called: Children’s Bible Society .Org. I got confused. Am I to work with them and reach other areas? The thought was a bit daunting. I shared with a Christian friend. We prayed. I did not start anything. I waited in prayer. Then on March 22, 2013 the Lord reveal a frightening bit of message, if this project is not tackled with the urgency it needed it will be implemented by another. To be a “Jonah” is not part of me. I prayed further, and this is the outcome.


He said to me He had already prepared me for an assignment of this nature. He graciously gave me the Slogan: “Catching them Young for The Lord”. He said further I should not take for granted places, countries and cultures He sent me to. This is becausw he prepared me in Journalism, Public Relations, Communication and Marketing. Indeed, the earth is the Lord’s, the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). The slogan covers the Aims, Objectives, Mission and Vision of the Project; igniting a new fire for His Divine purpose. 

Within the same period, while on my knees praying, God gave me a horrifying vision. I  saw satan seated on a throne in pitch darkness, beckoning babies, children, youth of all races and ethnicity. They were all running towards him. What broke my heart was the tiny babies crawling with speed to him. 


Prior to this encounter, the Lord revealed to me a set up by the enemy against Babies, their siblings yet to be born, and their children through generations in a place called “Fentonsville” in the State of New York. This has already triggered off a Spiritual Warfare on behalf of all children by Jesus the Truth Ministry. In another instance, He revealed a young man delivering a package of an Office Desk in an office complex of about fifty floors. As soon as the package was signed for and the young man turned to leave the Office Desk exploded throwing him through the glass window into the street. Then I heard a voice saying many such killings will be done by very young people.


This was some few days after the Boston Marathon killing of 3 and injuring of 264 people on April 15, 2013 by two pressure cooker bombs that exploded at 2:49 p.m. EDT (18:49 UTC). Friday May 3rd 2013 at 6.00pm God revealed a scary sight while my eyes were fully opened. The bottom-line is the enemy of God is furiously at work to destroy our peace and joy using our own children and youth. It was therefore no coincidence that last year March, a lad of 13 years will be so angry with his mother for seizing his video game. He attempted to rape his own mother and later shot her dead and reported himself to his dad and the police on.


Putting everything in perspective we know God reveals to redeem. In reality God will never hide things programmed in the spirit from His children. In fact He says what we want is what He allows to happen; (Deut. 29:29). On past experiences, anytime God give assignment of this magnitude He also gives Divine connection. You are my first Divine connection. The Almighty God and I need your help and support. Together we will do this to the Glory of God.



The Vision is to introduce Jesus as Lord and Savior to Children and help them develop a sustainable relationship with Him. We are to empower them by simplified Christian educational materials. It is to make them useful citizens generationally in their communities and countries. Proverbs 22:6 states: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


We see God speaks of Abraham with all confidences in Genesis 18:19 this way: “For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord...” In Deuteronomy 6:7 we read: “And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way...” Indeed Scripture will forever indict us if we fail to pass on the good that has kept us sane to the generations after us. We owe God a duty.



1. To provide a sound and excellent basics in Christian Education with special emphasis on moral and cultural ethics acceptable to Christ for boys and girls.

2. To provide holistic and quality insight on the Word of God and how to relate and earn its essential benefits.

3. To inculcate in children the appreciation and practice of moral uprightness and Gospel values.

4. To provide a sound environment and experiences which will import sound psychological balance and respect for social/cultural imperatives for the general good of mankind.



Catching them young for the Lord Jesus


It is our fervent desire to mold character and restore finesse in our ailing society; we have therefore adapted the old school of thought in going back to the Bible basics that nurtured values:


Regarding Spiritual Growth

  1. To develop in the Child an attitude of love and respect toward the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

  2. To instill in the Child a love for the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father, and His Holy Spirit.

  3. To lead the Child to the next spiritual step in the maturing process, beginning with salvation when    necessary, teaching them basic Bible doctrines.

  4. To equip the Child to serve God effectively by daily following God’s will in his life.

  5. To develop an understanding of the obedient believer's role in the local church and encourage his involvement.

  6. To encourage the development of self-discipline and responsibility based on respectful submission to God 

  7. To help the Child to develop a Christian outlook on life by integrating Biblical principles.

Regarding Academic Growth

  1. To promote high academic standards and to help each student reach his highest potential within the will of God.

  2. To teach the Child how to study independently and to reason logically.

  3. To develop creative and critical thinking and encourage proper use of Biblical criteria for evaluation.

  4. To promote good citizenship through development of an understanding and appreciation of our Christian heritage of responsible freedom, human dignity, and acceptance of authority.

  5. To discuss the relationship of current events to God's plan for man.

  6. To produce an appreciation and onces responsibilities towards God's cretion.

  7. To academically prepare and assist students with college planning. 


Regarding Social Growth

  1. To help the Child develop a proper acceptance of self, as a unique individual created in the image of God.

  2. To teach the Child to treat each individual with love and respect. 

  3. To promote an understanding of time as a God given commodity and the individual's responsibility for effective use of it. 

  4. .To direct the development of proper attitudes toward dating, marriage, and the family. to teach the principles needed to establish God honoring homes.

  5. To impart a correct Biblical attitude toward material things and encourage individual responsibility in using them to glorify God. 

  6. To show a realistic and Biblical view of life and work and provide skills for personal relationships and future endeavors.


Regarding Physical Growth

  1. To provide opportunities for the development of physical growth.

  2. To provide an extracurricular athletic program that challenges students both physically and spiritually.

  3. To provide each student an opportunity to develop his God-given talents beyond the regular classroom environment. 

  4. To provide a well-balanced calendar of events that is coordinated by the church calendar planning team.


Regarding our collaboration with School's

  1. To recognize the school’s/ICBS responsibility in loco parentis (“in the place of parents”). 

  2. To cooperate closely with parents in every phase of the student's development within the educational program. 

  3. To help the parents understand ICBS purpose and goals.

  4. To assist families in Christian growth and fellowship.

  5. To assist graduating seniors and their families with college planning and preparation.


Regarding ICBS Responsibilsity to the Local Church

  1. To recognize that ICBS works with children and youth ministry of a local church.

  2. To support the authority of the pastor and the goals of the local church.

  3. To encourage each student to be faithful to Christ and the local Church or a likeminded Bible believing church.


© 2023 International Children's Bible Society

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