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International Children Bible Society Incorporated, in collaboration with Jesus the Truth Ministries International, “Church Without Walls” have sank a well at Nsuamia, Chinto Basic School.

This Project is to help facilitate the basic needs of the local school; Children of the Basic School, as well as the entire Nsuamia community.  

As a highlight to the dedication, on the eve of the ceremony, the community enjoyed evangelism outreach, by the Anglican Church in collaboration with the Church of Pentecost. In addition, there was a public education drive through free open-air cinema by the Ghana Information Services Department. The Films were on how to effectively observe COVID 19 protocols and education on HIV AIDS, Cholera, Water Borne Diseases, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Frank Reuben Wood, Esq., Country Director of International Children Bible Society, (ICBS), who by profession is a Consultant on Water, in his opening remarks thanked the Lord God Almighty for the enablement He gave for the Project to be completed in good time without problems. He stressed that “Water is Life” so the sustainability of the Well must be adhered to by stakeholders of the community.

He assured the Community that the next phase will be getting the supply reaching other vantage points with a standpipe and forceps for all to enjoy easily accessible water. 

In a speech read on her behalf, Rev Dr. Katherine Carboo, (Mrs.), admonished the school as well as the community to observe good maintenance culture, ensuring that the Well serves the purpose for which it was sank very well.

On the call to sink wells in deprived communities, Dr. Carboo referred to how often in the Bible, Wells is referenced to elaborate refreshment and rest. As seen in the Book of Genesis:

“He made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water; it was toward evening, the time when women go out to draw water”, (Gen 24:11). 

Eliezer, the senior Servant of Abraham got Isaac his bride, Rebecca at the well, likewise Jacob and even Moses, in the land of the Midianites after fleeing Egypt. 

“Wells of Living Waters” is a mission of both International Children’s Bible Society (ICBS), and Jesus The Truth Ministries International (JETTMI) set to ease the undue stress in deprived communities around the world. In such under-developed communities, minors, and their mothers, are usually those with the singular responsibility of supplying their homes with water. Thus, this project will prevent such communities the labor of walking long distances to streams and rivers for water for both domestic and school use.

In response to this goodwill, the Head Teacher in his remarks expressed his gratitude and hoped that other urgent needs in the school will attract such support.

He recounted how for the school’s water needs to be met, students had to go long distances in search of water mainly around natural water bodies for all purposes including the flushing of their toilets. This affected the school’s academic work, as classes are deferred until areas where water is needed are met, for the efficient running of the school as well as observation of basic hygiene. 

To climax the ceremony, Bibles and T-shirts were represented to those who responded to the Altar Call of Salvation BY ICBS and JETTMI. In support to this noble drive, the Wood Family of Achimota, Accra, Ghana refreshed the gathering and the well-behaved students. 

The Rev Father Sam Wood of St. Cecilia Anglican Parish supported by the Rev. Dan Diaka of Landmark Chapel Int. Suhum, Ghana, performed the dedication of the Wells of Living Waters premier Well, committing it into the hands of the Almighty God, for the blessing of all who will benefit from it.

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